Wildlife 资源 Management

Wildlife 资源 Management Program Description

The Wildlife program at Hocking College is a hands-on, experience-based curriculum. 学生们在这里积极地学习和实践野外技能,这些技能只能在其他更传统的野生动物管理项目中听到.  

除了, students leave our program with a strong conceptual understanding of 野生动物 management, 生态, 和保护, as well as botany and plant 生态 and identification, and natural resources as a whole.   


Skills learned include 野生动物, fish and plant field and lab identification; 野生动物 field data collection techniques such as survey, 捕获, 无线电遥测技术, habitat and population sampling; and other general field skills such as map reading, watercraft operation and natural resources equipment operation.

野生动物资源管理学位是为在获得两年制副学士学位后主要有兴趣寻找鱼类和野生动物职业的学生设计的. Most positions with Ohio county and state parks, and the Ohio Division of Wildlife, require a two-year 野生动物 degree.

十大网赌网站大全提供全包价格,并与学生合作,以确保他们有完整的大学资金, 包括经济援助, before they start classes. Please reference the course curriculum tab for program costs.

All-inclusive pricing includes the following:





Not Included in the 全包的价格


Pricing for housing and meal plans 可以在这里找到.


A 职业生涯 in Wildlife 资源 Management Promises a New Adventure Every Day

野生动物资源管理学位将使你胜任初级工作,如县野生动物官员, fish or 野生动物 technician, 公园博物学家, and county soil and water conservation district 野生动物 specialist positions in Ohio, plus some technician and assistant jobs with other state and federal agencies.

View the occupational profile

学生学习成果(slo)是学生在完成课程后能够做什么的陈述. 它们代表了一个项目确定的对学生从该项目中获得的最重要的知识和技能,包括成功技能(机构成果)和项目成果. slo是具体的和可测量的,因此该项目可以准确地评估学生达到每个结果的程度, and they align with college and institution mission and values. slo成绩的数据被用来改进课程,提高学生的成功. 

Hocking College Institutional Learning Outcomes

1) Demonstrate sound critical thinking, 信息素养和技术能力在生产的学术写作和演讲

2) 应用 the methods of mathematical, statistical or analytical reasoning to critically evaluate data, solve problems and effectively communicate findings.

3) Demonstrate an awareness of the social, political and economic forces which shape individuals, institutions and communities in the modern world.



6) Cultivate ethical values, personal wellness and personal learning strategies in the development of the whole person, 心, 身体和精神.

7)将内容材料整合到工作中,并应用学科特定的知识和技能,成功地转移或有效地满足实习的期望, 工作场所, volunteerism and/or entrepreneurship endeavors.



以下的结果是培养学生的技能、行为和态度 Associate of Applied Science Wildlife 资源 Management:

  • 展示野生动物管理的技术技能和技巧,以便在不同的环境中有效地工作.
  • Applies biological knowledge and skills to manage 野生动物 habitat and populations.
  • Collects, analyzes, interprets and applies 野生动物/fish population and habitat data.
  • 展示与公众和其他自然资源专业人员进行科学研究交流的能力.
  • 在野生动物管理专业中表现出道德决策,并保持称职的领导和监督技能.
  • Interprets, applies and communicates natural resource law and policy.
  • Ability to calculate 野生动物 habitat and population data.

 Download 2017-2018 Data


  • 所有已注册的秋季/秋季学生,并具有下一个秋季/秋季的注册状态.
  • Excludes special populations - 大学学分加, 非学位, Online 军事 and 大学中心.
  • 潜在的 即将到来的秋季不包括秋季、春季和夏季学期的毕业生.
学年 保留率
2016 - 2017 63%
2015 - 2016 58%
2014 - 2015 64%



毕业 rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research. To ensure appropriate time for data collection, 该报告将在上一学年每年9月的最后一周运行并发布. 值得注意的是,随着学生继续毕业,每年的毕业率可能会发生变化. The following criteria will be utilized for the calculation of graduation rates:

  • Overall Program Completion Rate is defined as a percentage of the ratio: 

    All graduates of the program
    All students with the program in their history of programs of study

  • 为了报告的目的,课程完成率按入学学年汇总.
  • 通过授予学位或证书,学生被认为已经完成或从课程或证书中毕业.
  • 一个学生被认为是在一个学习项目中从事活动的时间,他们在一个项目或证书中处于活跃状态. 这是通过在学习课程期间的学习计划状态为“a”来定义的.  学生在继续学习课程的同时,是否应该进入或退出一个学习项目的积极状态, 十大网赌网站大全只考虑学生的活动,而该项目在该特定的学习项目中处于活跃状态.
学年 毕业率
2016 - 2017 20.83%
2015 - 2016 31.98%
2014 - 2015 35.54%


该计划旨在为您提供成为野生动物技术人员的知识和技能, 野生动物区经理, 或者是野生动物教育者. It will also help prepare you to be 野生动物 执法人员.

What does a professional 野生动物 technician do?


Conducting 野生动物 population surveys, collecting data for 野生动物 research, developing and implementing 野生动物 management habitat plans, 教育公众有关野生动物生态学和管理的知识,以及使用和维护野外工作所需的专门设备. 

Who hires a 野生动物 technician?


Ohio Department of Natural 资源, Division of Wildlife and other state 野生动物 agencies throughout the US, various Metroparks and county soil and water districts, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US National Forest Service, USDA/Natural 资源 Conservation Service, Environmental Protection Agency, 野鸡永远, The Nature Conservancy and private environmental consultants.

What is the average salary of a 野生动物 management technician?

The average salary ranges from $30,000-$45,1万美元一年, usually with benefits (health insurance/retirement fund).  


是的, 十大网赌网站大全的项目与大学达成了2对2的协议,学生可以转换学分,继续他们的教育两年,并完成野生动物管理学士学位.

We currently have working relationships with West Virginia University, University of Rio Grande, Idaho State University and the University of Minnesota-Crookston. More will be added in the near future.  

你可以找到 additional transfer resources available here.


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